Syttende Mai
Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Donations of any amount are welcome!
sponsorship plans
Our Sponsorship Plans are first-come, first-serve as there are limited Event sponsorships available. You can become a Sponsor by filling out the online form below or download the form.
You also will be able to pay your sponsorship by credit card if you wish. if you wish to pay by check, please download the Sponsorship form. Fill it out and mail it with your check to the address listed on the form.
We can't thank you enough for your support of our Syttende Mai celebration! There are many costs involved in hosting an event like this. We always will strive to keep it very reasonable for a family to come and be part of our Syttende Mai. That's due to the great support of our Sponsors!
Only 1 exclusive Sponsor
Arts & Crafts Fair Tent
TAKEN - Entertainment Tent
TAKEN Heritage Center
Banner with logo near tent or building
Parade Entry
Sponsor website page with Logo & Link
Print Materials Recognition
PA Announcements
$500 exclusive Sponsor
$250 Co-Sponsor
TAKEN Opening Ceremonies
Car Show
Marching Bands ($500) {sponsor a local school band in the Parade}
TAKEN Kiddie Parade
Kiddie Tractor Pull (1 - $500 or 2 - $250)
Inflatables (1 - $500 or 2 - $250)
Kid's Bike Races (1 - $500 or 2 - $250)
Mini Pullers Competition (2 - $500 or 4 - $250)
Banner with logo at Event
Marching Band Sponsor - entry in the parade following band
Website page Logo & Link
Print Materials Recognition
PA Announcements
friends of the fest
Sponsor website page with Logo & Link
Print Materials Recognition
1 Syttende Mai Button
in memoriam
What a special way to remember a loved one or friend who were active in Syttende Mai or just enjoyed the Festival and their Norwegian Heritage
Featured on the Syttende Mai Memoriam website page
Name of Person remembered
The name of family(s) or friend(s) who donated for the Memoriam.
Special Memoriam segment at the Opening Ceremonies where the names will be read on stage.