Syttende Mai
We invite you to be part of our great Parade! Register today! Tusen Takk!
Sunday, May 19
The Syttende Mai parade committee reserves the right to decline any entry into the parade at any time if the conditions of this form are not upheld.
PLEASE NOTE: For safety reasons, we DO NOT allow entries to throw items, including candy, to the crowd; however, we do allow people walking alongside their entry to pass out candy. If any items are thrown, you may be asked not to attend next year.
Inappropriate behavior, inappropriate float/entry presentation, other acts that may endanger or offend the public or consumption of alcohol prior to or during the parade are not acceptable and will result in removal from the parade.
Haley Hagen - 608-606-5870 | Email
Band | Royalty | Youth | Non-Profit | Just for Fun | Civic | Novelty | Commercial | Political
Hilsen fra Westby!
"Greetings from Westby!"
We would like to invite you to the 2024 Westby Syttende Mai on May 17th-19th. We hope that you will be able to join us in celebrating our festival by being in our Big Parade on Sunday, May 19th at 1:30pm. NEW THIS YEAR -- You can register your Parade Entry online below or download the entry form.
ENTRY FEE: (paid with the script BEFORE the entry deadline date of May 6th)
​​COMMERCIAL - $50.00
​POLITICAL - $75.00
​PARADE LINE-UP: begins at 10:30 am, no entry allowed in line up after 12:30 pm.​
PARADE LINE-UP LOCATION: around the Westby Elementary and Middle School. Finalized map and parade line up numbers will be published later.​
"EARLY BIRD SPECIAL" Get your entry in by April 27th, to receive your line-up number early. If your entry is postmarked between April 27th and the May 6th deadline, the confirmation letter will not be sent until after the May 11th deadline date. Early entry forms received is one of the main criteria used in deciding line up numbers, increasing the chance, but with no guarantee, of an early placement into the parade line up.
(a) COMMERCIAL: Any entry for profit with the purpose of advertisement - INCLUDING vehicles with business advertisement pulling an entry from the above listed competition categories.​
(b) POLITICAL CANDIDATES: You may group with a Political Party Entry - Each candidate is responsible for paying the $75.00 fee in addition to the political parties entry fee.
(c) COMMERCIAL OR POLITICAL ENTRIES: If entries are requested AFTER the deadline date of May 6th the entry fee DOUBLES.
Entry requests after the May 6th deadline, are at the discretion of the parade chair.
Entries will not be accepted the day before or the day of the parade.
(d) The entry fee covers the entry of one unit (a unit means one vehicle with or without a float/trailer attached, under one entry name) into the parade, if additional units are to be added to the same entry, then an additional $15.00 per unit will be charged in addition to the entrance fee.
Exchanging the entry fee for a service will no longer be accepted.
(e) COMMERCIAL & POLITICAL ENTRIES: Payment must accompany the entry form, or your entry will not be processed for admittance into the parade. Payment is NON-REFUNDABLE.
SEND TO: Syttende Mai Parade - PO Box 31 - Westby, WI 54667
RULES: The Syttende Mai parade committee reserves the right to decline any entry into the parade at any time if the conditions of this form are not upheld. Please note: For safety reasons, we DO NOT allow entries to throw items, including candy, to the crowd; however, we do allow people walking alongside their entry to pass out candy. If any items are thrown, you may be asked not to attend next year. *Inappropriate behavior, inappropriate float/entry presentation, other acts that may endanger or offend the public or consumption of alcohol prior to or during the parade is not acceptable and will result in removal from the parade.
ENTRY DESCRIPTION: The Westby Syttende Mai Parade Committee uses several volunteers to help coordinate and announce the parade. Please help us get prepared by writing the script for your entry. The Syttende Mai Parade Committee reserves the right to shorten the script, if the script is too long to read for the small amount of time given to the announcers. Please be sure to include all the important highlights and information in the beginning, and if time permits the remainder may be read. No additions or changes to the script can be made the day of the parade.
Example: Name of Organization/Business, participant(s) name(s) (sounded out if necessary) and title(s), award(s), years of service, fun information, etc. To ensure that your script is read in its entirety, please keep the script as short as possible; there is a limited amount of time for the announcers to read the script.
AWARDS: All awards will be handed out at the information booth on Main Street at 3:30PM.
Haley Hagen - 608-606-5870 | Email​​